We all know that reading books to our children is an important activity. But some people might wonder, "When should I start?" or even, "Does my child understand what I read?".

Fist of all, you can start reading books to your child as young as they are just born. As a matter of fact, you can start reading books before then. During your pregnancy period, you can start reading children's books to your unborn child. Children's books are not only for children, children's books are great for adults.
The second, infants do not understand a word, but they understand your facial expressions, feelings and tones of your voice. They learn everything from you: what you do and how you feel. So start reading books to your child as early as possible, your infant can enjoy watching your facial expressions and hearing your voice while you read aloud to your infant.
Importantly, you should enjoy reading because your child can feel what you feel. Pick a book that you like. I pick a children's book by it's cover and illustrations because unlike adult novels, the illustrations are a huge part of the children's book. Young children like simple and pretty illustrations; especially, young children don't care for complex illustrations such as too much detail of the background.
This book, 'How Are You, Shuta?' is a perfect book for infant and young children because it is simple yet pretty illustrations that children will adore.
Choice of colors is soft pastel; it is soothing and calming. No complex background. The main character, Shuta, expresses his feelings, and his facial expressions help children to understand the meaning of texts.